Thursday, August 15, 2013

I am spiritual

I am spiritual. I am not religious. I read the bible occasionally for inspiration as the language is used quite beautifully. I do not go to church. I believe that church is where I feel closest to something more than this. In my seventeen years of being a creature on this planet I have found that my sanctuary is in nature. It is where no human hand has killed, corrupted and tortured the landscape that we are all connected to.

I don’t have to have a specific god to be happy. I feel free and loved as I am. I understand that everything is temporary and that nothing is permanent. Both good and bad, everything comes to an end.
I feel like a new person. A new happy person. Folks, being happy is a pretty great step for me.

I like to think that my happiness has bloomed greatly over this summer. I met my best friend for the first time and he eventually became my boyfriend. I grew even closer (though I didn’t realize that was possible) to my family. I made so many new friends at Girls State and broke out of my comfort zone even more. I get to have my favorite English teacher for my last semester in high school. My drama club is going to put on a fantastic play that I hope to be as much a part of as possible.
This summer has been full of surprises to say the least. I have surprised myself and others have surprised me in return. Thankfully, they have all been wonderful surprises.

Peace, love, and happiness,