Friday, May 25, 2012

Pin-Board Short Stories

I've had an idea :)
Most of us have a Pinterest account right? And a lot of bloggers love to write... so :)
Here are the rules to this little contest:

  1. Create a board on Pinterest labeled, "Pin Board Short Story" or something like that. 
  2. Search for photographs on Pinterest (You can also use quotes) and pin the ones you find striking or interesting to the board. 
  3. When you have at least fifty pictures, turn them into a short story :) The story can even be the first chapter of a novel if you feel extra creative :) 
  4. After you've written the story, post it to your blog and put a link to the post AND to the Pinterest board in the comments! I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with, assuming that anyone actually tries it :) 
I'll be posting mine sometime this weekend or by the middle of next week :) I can't wait to read your stories!

Peace, Love, and Funnel Cakes,

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